As if February didn't have enough holidays: we have the Lunar New Year on the first, Groundhog Day on the second, the Super Bowl on the 13th, Valentines Day on the 14th, and Presidents Day on the 21st (Mardi Gras isn't until March first). Our friend Ron Gordon, keeper of the calendar holidays, informs us that February second is Trumpet Day. How's that? The date is written 2/2/22, which sounds like four notes of a classic trumpet fanfare!
Gordon is having a contest for Trumpet Day, which has been in the works since 2013. Now the time is here, and they are looking for "the brassiest, classiest, sassiest way to celebrate the day!" Share your Trumpet Day ideas or celebration and win both money and bragging rights. Send in your entries by noon on February 15 to or mail to
Ron Gordon
Box 5133
Redwood City, CA. 94063
The Trumpet Day Contest features our largest prize ever----$2,222---with nary a decimal. The prize will be shared by lots of folks---we will have 2+2+22 plus “to” plus “too” plus “two toooo!!” winners. Our best holiday math suggests that means Fifty-Two people will divide the prize---no one gets really rich, but all can brag and tooot their own horns about their brilliant accomplishments.
Read more about Trumpet Day at the Trumpet Day website.
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