Archive for January 16th, 2022

This Tiny Cow Thinks He's a Dog

<p>🐄 Technically, Ollie the calf is a micro mini cow, but from the looks of it, <a href="" target="_blank">this cow thinks he's a do...

The Vega Brothers Trailer

It's such a natural idea for a Quentin Tarantino movie- the life stories of Vic Vega (Michael Madsen) from Reservoir Dogs and his brother Vince Vega (John Travolta) from Pulp Fiction. Don't get too exci...

Food Served in Ridiculous Ways

(Image source: louiseverard) Creative plating now means getting rid of plates completely. We've brought you images from We Want Plates before, but it's been some years. Since then, the trend in trendy restaurants has onl...

The Crazy Story of Atari's First World Championship

Atari held its first arcade world championship tournament on Halloween weekend 1981 in Chicago. Video games were becoming hotter by the day, even though to play them, you had to go to an arcade and feed quarters into a c...

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