This Armadillo is Already Giving Up on Her New Year's Resolution!

2022 is almost a week old, so how's your New Year's Resolution holding up? Are you still going strong or have you given up on it?

The Cincinnati Zoo tweeted an adorable photo of its armadillo named Juanita taking a nap on her exercise wheel. Or maybe her New Year's Resolution is to get on the exercise wheel more often - she just never specified that it's for actual exercise. So there, napping on her exercise wheel technically satisfies that resolution.

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Alex, I'm allergic to seafood so crawdads aren't my thing. But there's a restaurant just west of Lake Charles in Sulphur and it's called The Boiling Point. They bring you a big metal pail soldered onto a metal dish with a rim. The pail is filled with crawdads and very big, large, huge, OMG, it's a 2 chair seater! people who will go through 3 or 4 pails in 1 sitting. It's very popular if you like that stuff.
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No, I'm not into grubbing around for grubs. It found enough on it's own.
I did wonder if it ate crawdads/crawfish/crayfish though. We had lots of mudball huts they would make which were mud or sand balls that looked like marbles that the crawdads made with bodily fluids - don't know which fluids, never asked - and they would dig a hole in the ground and make mudballs from the dirt and pile them into a dome shape. You could lift the dome off and inside the hole would be a big crawdad - easily 6 inches, in my yard, anyway - and they would get angry and try to snap their claws at you.
The local kids would go crawdadding using a string with a bit of chicken meat tied to it and lower the string down into the hole and the crawdad would grab onto it and the kids would bring it up and put it in a bucket for eating later on. Especially after heavy rains when all the roadside ditches were full of crawdads and turtles a lot of kids would be wading in the ditch water doing that. Fun times.
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Armadillos moved on over to Louisiana from Florida years ago after a storm released them from a zoo, so I read long ago. We had an armadillo that liked our backyard and found grubs and stuff to snack on. Sometimes I would hear a tapping on my backdoor window (it was a long full length glass insert) and when I'd go check it would be that armadillo tapping on the glass. I never did invite it in, though. They lay eggs instead of live births.
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