How Dangerous is Shooting Into the Air?

Some cultures tend to celebrate military victories, weddings, holidays, sports victories, and/or random events by firing guns into the air. This includes the United States. These events can be extremely dangerous just because firearms are present, and even more so when the participants are already inebriated, but when someone is just firing towards the sky, what's the harm? As physicists will tell you, what goes up must comes down, even though they weren't all that sure ablout it when firarms were first developed. Those bullets will have to come down somewhere, and it's almost impossible to determine where that will be ahead of time. Debunked explains the physics of shooting into the air and the consequences of falling bullets. The ad in the middle is about 1:15 long, and can be fast-forwarded.  -via Digg

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A little boy was killed in new years a few years back in Richmond VA from a bullet shot into the air. Came down and pierced his skull and killed him. Very sad.
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Extremely, and at this point I would hope most people knew this. But then I think about zoomers and...well.. I should probably watch for falling bullets when I got outside from now on.
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