Cold Weather Demonstrations in Yakutsk

The point where the Fahrenheit and Centigrade temperature scales meet is -40. Once you get that cold,  a degree here or there makes little difference because you do not want to be out in it. Winter is a lot colder than that in Yakutsk, Russia, the coldest city in the world. The lowest temperature ever recorded in Yakutsk was −64.4 °C (−83.9 °F). It also has the distinction of being the city with the greatest temperature differential, because the short summers can be quite warm. Yakutsk is where cold weather is a way of life for most of the year. If your car isn't in a heated garage, you leave it running all the time. You learn early how to dress for the weather. And when you want to impress people, you do some crazy experiments to show how fast things will freeze.

Kiun B has a bunch of videos about living in Yakutsk, the cold weather, and her Sakha culture.

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Natural resource extraction. Quite a few mining companies are headquartered there, and they pay very well. As for the second question, I dunno, but that may feed into the first question.
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