400 Betty Whites ago, there were still living Neanderthals.
— Yell in a War (@jelenawoehr) December 20, 2021
Between 300 and 130 Betty Whites ago, the first humans reached North America.
100 Betty Whites ago, the last mammoths roamed the Earth.
7 Betty Whites ago, the Aztec Empire rose, only to fall 2.2 Bettys later.
On January 17 of next year, Betty White will turn 100 years old.
I was about to write "actress Betty White", but that seems like a wholly inadequate description. Betty White is not just an actress. It is best put that Betty White is Betty White in all fullness of the term; a Platonic ideal of Betty Whiteness.
As the world prepares to celebrate, writer Jelena Woehr would like to propose using Betty White as a unit of measurement. Specifically, a Betty White is a unit of time--a lifespan of incredible magnitude. A very long-lived person expresses that events that felt a long time ago were, from a different perspective, very recent. Read Woehr's thread here.
-via Kottke
Comments (3)
On the other hand it reminds me of "Americans will measure with anything but the metric system".. :-)