🎵 Got a squeaky dryer? Don't fix it ... instead, record it on Tiktok so musicians worldwide can create entertaining "duet chains" and sooner or later, you'll end up with a full blown and very catchy Dryer Song.
🏰 A man's home is his castle, even if he's living in a tiny home. In this case, a New Zealand couple's tiny truck home actually is a castle, complete with turrets. Oh, and did we mention it actually unfolds and transforms into a bigger castle?
☕ Marble-lous: This NYC woman's coffee table turned out to be a priceless mosaic from the Roman Emperor Caligula's ceremonial ship. The story of how they found out that the coffee table was actually a historical artefact is equally fascinating.
🦠 Good news: bacteria are evolving to eat plastic.
🏆 Can't find that must-have toy for Christmas? Give your kids a bucket of sand and tell them it's the new hot thing. After all, sand is the latest inductee to the National Toy Hall of Fame. Next year, sticks!
🐻 This real-life Winnie-the-Pooh got its head stuck inside a plastic container. Too bad it's not a jar of honey.
🎬 'Doon't' miss this Bad Lip Reading of Dune. The spice, and laughter, must flow.
😺 There is nothing this cat can't catch. A-meow-zing!
👕 Psst! Our Fantasy T-shirts and Sci-Fi T-Shirts make for great 🎄 Christmas presents.
Tons more neat posts over at our new sites: Pictojam, Homes & Hues, Laughosaurus, Pop Culturista, and Supa Fluffy. More neat tees over at the NeatoShop.
Image: @teej011/TikTok