Archive for November 18th, 2021

The Tale of the I, Libertine Hoax

The blurb at Digg said this video was about how Jean Shepherd gave birth to "a salacious historical novel that was completely make up..." Of course, my first thought was, aren't all novels made up? But I soon learned tha...

Why English Has Upper Case and Lower Case Letters

Unless you are celebrating INTERNATIONAL CAPS LOCK DAY or are just sloppy at typing, you use upper case and lower case letters more or less according to standardized rules when writing or typing in the English language.H...

The Frightening Custom of Hell Banquets

Rich people are different from you and me. Great wealth often requires hosting lavish banquets to bring friends and allies together, to shower favors, and to show off one's taste and generosity. Great wealth also allows...

Engineer Invents a Phone That Dogs Can Use

It's not just a video that dogs can respond to. The DogPhone system allows dogs to initiate a video phone call with their human by squeezing a soft toy.Ilyena Hirskyj-Douglas, a professor of "Animal-Computer Interaction"...

Every Picture Tells a Story -This One is a Romantic Comedy

If a picture is worth a thousand words, about 400 of them would be "haha" in this case. Redditor Johnny-Virgil and his wife were vacationing in Mexico, at a hotel that had a hammock. He set up the camera timer to take a...

How Movie Set Designers Make Modern Streets Look Old

How would you make a modern street corner look like it was from in 1930? To find out, Insider talked to Rena DeAngelo, a master set designer who works at Eclectic/Encore Props. This company provides props and s...

The Thai Occupation of Germany and Other Historical Oddities

Mark Felton Productions is one of my favorite YouTube channels. Felton is a military historian who produces many videos describing little known events or aspects of military history, especially the World Wars. Among my f...

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