Twitter Meme: Verify Your Age by Talking about Your Childhood

Celebrity librarian Jessamyn West introduced me to a new meme on Twitter. Imagine that you're trying to buy alcohol and the liquor store clerk wants to verify that you are at least 21 years old. Aside from showing your state ID card, what could you say that would definitely date you?

My own humble contribution to the meme is this:

Read more tweets in the meme here.

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Liquor store clerk: I'm gonna need to see some age verification.
Me: I remember when the Atlanta Braves were the laughingstock of Major League Baseball.
Clerk: Enjoy shopping!
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Oh! Oh! How about this one: the first time I saw Star Wars in a theater, I fell asleep because I'd had too many cocktails.
To be fair, I was still technically too young to drink in that particular state.
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