Owlkitty is back, and starring in a new blockbuster! Well, not exactly new, as Jurassic Park is 28 years old, but the remix is new. Animator Tibo Charroppin has edited his very patient cat Lizzy into so many movies we know and love, but this one is more than just replacing a monster with a cat -it's a masterpiece of VFX. Notice how the lighting and even the lightning flashes are perfectly synched with the original film. And the scene has been altered in other ways to make sense with a giant cat. Lizzy, er, Owlkitty (previously at Neatorama) takes the part of the T-rex that menaces our heroes in their stalled cars, but the action hinges on the one thing a cat will always be drawn to- the sound of a can of Fancy Feast being opened. I know my cats go nuts for it. I'm lucky they aren't twenty feet tall! -via reddit
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