Photographer Uses A $40 Toy Car To Shoot An Audi $40,000 Car

Mexican photographer and art director Felix Hernandez was commissioned by Audi Middle East to shoot images of their $40,000 Q2 crossover for Audi magazine. Hernandez, instead of shooting with the actual car, created a small-scale desert, roadway, and a 1/43 scale model of the Q2. This artistic choice does not come as a surprise, as the photographer is known for his miniature photography:  

Felix normally works with 1/18 scale models. This was the first time he was using a 1/43 model and he claims to have “learned a lot in the process.” A smaller model meant that he needed to make the car look full-sized against realistic-looking backdrops and sets. He used foam core, LEDs and sand paper to build the indoor roadway. For the desert, Felix used polvo fino powder mixed with water and moulded into miniature sand dunes.

Image credit: Felix Hernandez 

My cousin was telling me of this Audi ad that he worked on and after hearing about his experience this guy using scale replicas seems on par. You might remember the ad campaign of some famous person (think it was Gervais in his) in like an A5 in winter in front of some ski house. The ad was filmed in June so the snow was added in post, the house and the tree in the background were from two different locations (they added the house to the tree shots) but also it seems they brought the wrong car so that was also changed in post. To summarize the tree and Ricky were real everything else in the ad was added later.
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