The Oldest Family Photo Taken at Stonehenge

Some people are just overachievers. Brian May is the guitarist for Queen, and also has a PhD in astrophysics. We know he is an avid gardener, and in his spare time, he collects stereographs, photographs in pairs taken from slightly different angles in order to produce a 3D effect. But this story isn't about Brian May, it's about one of his stereographs. It was taken by photographer Henry Brooks and shows his wife Caroline and their daughter Caroline Jane posing in front of Stonehenge in the 1860s.

It was discovered by the curators of the Brian May Archive of Stereoscopy following a public appeal by English Heritage to find the earliest family photo taken at the stones.

"I've been fascinated by stereo cards since I was a boy and got one in a cereal packet," said the Queen guitarist.

"This is a fantastic early example and exciting because it's one of the oldest family snaps taken at Stonehenge.

"It feels even more evocative when set to music - a bit like a silent movie and we thought it would be great fun to recreate the image as a stereo view at Stonehenge and breathe new life into an old photo," he added.

And they did just that- set up a stereograph viewer at Stonehenge to view the picture accompanied by piano music by May, available through September. Read more about the image at BBC News. -via Nag on the Lake

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