In 2015, a floating bridge made from cardboard suddenly appeared above the houses in Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, France. The said bridge was held by giant helium balloons, and was created with the help of local residents. The residents then helped in demolishing the floating bridge afterwards.
In 2017, another cardboard structure appeared, this time in Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland. This time, the structure was not a bridge, but rather a leaning tower. Hundreds of people came to take a photo of the spectacular view.
These installations, called “monumental constructions”, were planned and directed by French artist Olivier Grossetête. Grossetête is able to build these “unusual, ephemeral and useless” structures in various places across the world with the help of local communities, who aid in both construction and demolition of the works.
Check out photos of Grossetête's wonderful installations over at DesignBoom.
(Image Credit: Olivier Grossetête/ DesignBoom)
(Image Credit: Yverdon/ DesignBoom)