Four years after the release of the Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild for the Nintendo Switch, players are still finding new ways to exploit the game or find hidden items buried in the game’s files. MrOrdun has achieved something that no player has done before. The player shared a video on Twitter of them opening an ‘impossible chest,’ a chest that the game recognizes but the player can’t reach in the overworld:
As spotted by Kotaku, the video shows how they were able to uncover the “impossible” chest found 80 meters below the ground at Aris Beach in the game. According to the player, “it has never been opened prior to this moment”.
As the player mentioned in the tweet, the chest despawns after seven seconds of sinking from loading into the game, so they had to intercept the chest along the way.
The player takes multiple steps in order to collect the chest, including using a game bug that lets you fall through the ground as well as utilising Breath Of The Wild‘s multiple Sheikah Slate abilities to reach it.
The full YouTube video, which goes through the entire process, reveals that the prize within the impossible chest was, after all this time, just a piece of amber.
Image credit: Nintendo
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