Archive for June 19th, 2021

Mystery in a Small Town After $731M Powerball Win

In a town of 1200 people, you can guess that everyone knows almost everyone else, and their lives are quite interconnected. However, when someone in the town of Lonaconing, Maryland, bought a lottery ticket worth $731 mi...

Berlin’s Curious 1920s Polar Bear Craze

When you think of polar bears, you think of Canada, Greenland, or other Arctic locales. But then we must remember Knut, the polar bear born at the Berlin Zoo in 2006 that became an internet sensation. It wasn't the first...

The Soldier Who (Accidentally) Had An Epic Drug Trip ...In The Middle of WWII

Finland's allegiance in the second world war was complicated, as they fought for both sides at one time or another, mainly because they opposed the incursions of the Soviet Union. During the time they were allied with th...

1000-Year-Old Chicken Egg Accidentally Broken

<p>In the ancient industrial zone of Yavneh, Israel, archaeologists from the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) stumbled across an extremely rare object: a 1,000-year-old chicken egg, which lay on the cessp...

New Animal Species Discovered!

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">The</span><a href="

Bloodborne And Sesame Street Crossover

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">It’s less of an official game and more of a fan-made crossover. Meet Yong Yi Lee, an artist who has worked with maj...

Windows 11 Build Leaked

<p><span style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Look, I just hope the new Windows 11 is better than Windows 10. It doesn’t matter if the new operating system is le...

Inside the Tombs of Saqqara

Saqqara is an ancient Egyptian burial ground just 20 miles south of Cairo that never received nearly as much attention as the grand pyramids of Luxor. Tombs at Saqqara had been raided for generations. In 1850, the direct...

Man Sets World Record for Nude Skydiving

Among skydiving aficionados, it is traditional to complete one's hundredth jump in the nude. But Rian Kanouff of Omaha, Nebraska went much further. He completed 60 nude jumps in 24 hours, thus establishing a Guinness Wor...

A Straw For Hiccups

For most of us, hiccups are nothing but a minor inconvenience. When we’re suddenly having hiccups, we can always just drink upside down or eat a spoonful of sugar. (It should be noted, however, that these “cu...

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