Cat Burglar

Do you ever wonder about that one glove you can never find? Redditor Brunson21 spotted a clear case of cat burglary. Esme may have sad memories of when she was a kitten and lost her mittens. With neighbors turning their backs on their gardening gloves for a minute, Esme captured her prey and brought it home. Her owner was not pleased.

The cat owner is making a valiant attempt to reunite the stolen gloves with their rightful owners. But Esme is not unique. Wherever you live, remember to bring your gloves in every time you take a break from yard work.  

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I had one of #11 (on the left) as a kid. It looked down at me from a shelf and had a big hole in the back of its head. I used to dream about hordes of spiders coming out of the hole. It was a great day when I was finally "too old" to keep dolls around!
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