Could there be a better place to hide a gun, or should we say, disguise a gun, than inside a Bible? This 17th-century gun was embedded in a Bible, carved in a way that the holder could discharge the weapon without opening the book!
In his book, Venise, L’hiver Et L’ete, De Pres Et De Loin, Lorenzo Cittone talks about this incredible gun-book: “I’ve found in a display case (of the Correr museum, in Venice), Morosini’s prayers book that I used to love so much as a kid. This wonderful book, apart from a few prayers, contains a buttless gun. The binding, of course, is gorgeous. And once the book closed, it is impossible to make the gun out.”
Francesco Morosini (February 26, 1619 – January 16, 1694) was the Doge of Venice from 1688 to 1694, at the height of the Great Turkish War. He was a member of a famous noble Venetian family (the Morosini family) which produced several Doges and generals. He “dressed always in red from top to toe and never went into action without his cat beside him.”
Sounds like an interesting fellow. Read about Morosini and see more pictures of his gun-Bible at Vintage Everyday. -via Strange Company