Archive for April 23rd, 2021

He Really Put Lipstick on a Cat's Butt

You may have wondered at one time or another just how many surfaces does your cat's butthole touch in your house. It's been a Fark meme since 2004, when someone suggested putting lipstick on the cat to find out. But you...

The Mystery Behind Why Some Picasso Paintings Deteriorate Faster Than Others

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Four Picasso paintings are a subject of a </span><a href="" target="_bla...

Why The Flight of The Ingenuity Helicopter Is A Big Deal

<p>Just a few days ago, our world witnessed history, as the Ingenuity helicopter took off from Martian soil and hovered for about 30 seconds before coming back down on the ground. To some, this may not mean...

How 19th-Century German Farmers Turned Caves Into Homes

We associate living in a cave with, well, cavemen from many thousands of years ago. We also know of modern cave dwellers who built homes in existing caves here and there as projects that spanned many years. But the villa...

The Impossible Intersection

Paris is altering its road system to encourage mass transit, bicycles, and pedestrians and discourage car travel. However, this means that unintended problems will emerge during the process. YouTuber The Tim Traveller ex...

Taking a Superyacht Through Dutch Canals

Why would a 94-meter (310-foot) yacht try to squeeze through urban canals? It's because Dutch shipyard Feadship, the boat's manufacturer, is quite far from the North Sea. This is a newly-built yacht, called Project 817,...

Biorecycling Machine Injects Plastic Into Your Skin To Fight Waste

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">PhD candidate Matthew Harkness is now exploring the question of what if our body could actually recycle plastic with his </span><a href="h...

Huge Snake Rises From The Ocean

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Damn, imagine going to the ocean to have fun or to relax and then you spot a huge snake emerging from it! That’s terrifying. Wildlife photographer...

It’s Cerberus, But With Shiba Inu Heads

<p>Cerberus is known in Greek mythology as this terrifying dog that guards the Underworld, one that you would not describe as a “good boy.” But what if Cerberus was not that scary? What if it is...

Tokyo’s Lucky Cat Temple

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Expect a lot of lucky cats in this temple and hopefully, more luck!&nbsp; Meet Gotokuji Temple, located in the Setagaya ward of Tokyo. The temple is...

Encouraging Children To Take Risks By Teaching Them How To Play Chess

<p>Taking risks is something that we learn as we grow older. As we live our lives, we learn that life is full of surprises, and from this lesson we learn to make better decisions, and we learn to weigh our...

Homeowners Find Giant Monopoly Board Hidden Beneath Their Carpet

The in-laws of redditor /u/Yamaha234 tore up the carpet in home to replace it. They found a complete Monopoly game board underneath! S/he hopes to convince them to just coat it in epoxy so that it can be played in the fu...

Does Advanced Shoe Technology Really Improve An Athlete’s Performance?

<p>Many were skeptical about advanced shoe technology affecting an athlete’s performance when Nike introduced the concept way back in 2017. But it seems that this technology really does affect the per...

Fancy Renting Some Llamas At Your Wedding?

<p>If you know someone who will get married this year, then you might want to encourage them to <a href="" target="_blank">make the wed...

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