Birthday Color Chart

What’s the color of your birthday? Does every birthdate have an associated color? Well, a Japanese chart managed to connect every birthday not just with a specific color, but also with a personality! The chart has all 366 birthdays and connects each with a HEX code, personality description, and color keywords: 

For instance, if you were born on August 30, your color would be ultramarine and your keywords would be: motherhood, music, and elegance. Your personality is described as: "A person who plays a melody that touches the heartstrings."
According to DesignTAXI, the chart's color meanings appear to be in line with color theory. However, if you aren't able to read in Japanese, you'll have to translate the page into another language. The English translation can be found here, which will have some mistranslated words (the meanings should still be pretty clear, though).

Image via Hunker 

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