Archive for March 23rd, 2021

Forgotten Pokemon Spin-Offs

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Here’s a small fact: the Pokemon franchise isn’t devoid of spin-offs; other games besides their mainline entries have been published in most...

Meet The Breath Of The Wild Mod That Is The Size Of An Official Expansion Pass

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">If you’re one of those people who are waiting for the sequel to the 2017 game The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, maybe this expansive mod co...

Is This Man Really A ‘Ninja Killer’?

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Temujin Kensu was convicted of the murder of a college student in Port Huron and sentenced to life without parole. However, there was no physical eviden...

How Microbiologists Craft Stunning Art Using Pathogens

Anything that can be created can become an art medium. That includes microbes in a petri dish. And therefore, since people will make a competition out of anything, we have the American Society for Microbiology Agar Art C...

Voice Lagging Trick

<p>Have you watched a video in which the visual and audio tracks aren't synced correctly? Gracie Scullion can create that effect with her mouth. Her trick is to mouth the word silently before she voices it...

Origin Of The Human Voice

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Experts believe that the voice coming from living beings, such as animals and humans are powered by the lungs and emitted through the mouth. Technically...

The Mystery Behind Scotland’s Ancient Rock Balls

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Old carved stone balls have been the subject of mystery and intrigue as to what they were actually used for. Found in Scotland, 500 Neolithic stone ball...

Founding KISS Band Member Sings ...Soul

Paul Stanley, aka Starchild from the rock band KISS, has a side gig - singing soul music. Since 2015, Paul has been singing soul music covers and original songs with his group Soul Station. A new Soul St...

Temperature: Fahrenheit, Celsius, Kelvin

People understood hot and cold a long time before we had what we call temperature, which is the way we measure heat. While other scientists had tinkered with the idea of measuring temperature, it was not until 1714 that...

Railway Spine, The Mystery Disease That Changed Our Understanding Of Psychology

In the late 19th century, there was a slew of unexplained maladies among people who were involved in train accidents. After a series of crashes in Britain in 1867, so many victims came forward that the syndrome was dubbe...

How Cold War Fears Helped Create Helsinki’s Subterranean Paradise

Many cities have extensive underground layers for various reasons. These subterranean spaces often begin with separate basements and tunnels that eventually become connected to each other, or possibly the area was once a...

I've [REALLY] Been Everywhere

The YouTuber who goes by EverywhereMax has been to all 92 places named in the Johnny Cash song "I've been Everywhere." He's been a lot of other places, too, as you'll see in the video he constructed around the song.As fa...

17th Century Skull Watch

Oh, so you want a goth look? It's been done long before you first walked into a Spencer's Gifts. The Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge, UK owns this impressive pocket watch that dates back to about 1690 from a worksho...

Park Ranger/Artist Paints Landscapes of National Parks on Trash Left in Those Parks

Mariah Reading is a professionally trained artist who works as a ranger with the National Park Service. She takes the trash that people leave behind in these scenic wonders and transforms them into beautiful landscapes.I...

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