Archive for March 4th, 2021

This Japanese Theater Company Provides A Unique Viewing Experience For Its Live Audience

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Dance show enthusiasts in Japan can now watch performances live with the necessary precautions and adjustments made. Japanese dance company </span>...

The California Pacific Coast Highway Is Falling

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Thanks a lot, climate change. The iconic Pacific Coast Highway in California is </span><a href="

Octopus Tries On A Baseball Cap

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">This Australian octopus was caught&nbsp; trying on a discarded cap on camera by diver Jules Casey. Casey’s footage shows the octopus trying to...

This Cuttlefish Passed A Cognitive Test For Children

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Hey, animals are smart too! This cuttlefish proves the intelligence of non-human species by passing a new version of a cognitive test. The marshmallow t...

6 Ancient Bizarre Beliefs With Logical Explanations

The stories that are handed down from ancient times can seem infinitely weird to us, because we are familiar with the scientific method and modern technology that allows us to explore the nature of things. That doesn't m...

Octopus Selfie Wins Ocean Art 2020 Underwater Photo Competition

The "Best in Show" award in the Ocean Art 2020 Underwater Photo Competition has been announced. Photographer Gaetano Dario Gargiulo won a trip to the Solomon Islands for the above image of an octopus in a tide pool. Acco...

Eight Snowplows in Minnesota Get Names

Taking a tip from the gritters of Scotland, the Minnesota Department of Transportation ran an online poll to name eight of their snowplows. The winning names are shown above, and all the names in the running can be seen...

True Facts: Deception in the Rainforest

Don't you just love it when you watch a video for the comedy you expect, and end up learning something neat? Ze Frank is happy to introduce us to some weird creatures of the rainforest and the things they do to survive....

The Yard Sale Purchase That Turned Out To Be Worth $500,000

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">A Connecticut man’s yard sale purchase turned out to be a</span><a href=""...

This Man Transforms Tin Cans to Bags

<p>Anyone ever heard of "upcycling"? It's repurposing things that would otherwise be thrown into the trash and transforming them into a higher-value product. This man from Thailand really did it w...

Meet The Man Behind The Mini Castles In Gerbstedt

Günther Beinert still remembers how he broke down a wall at his parents’ old house, and how he made his first small castle by reassembling the materials with a mixture of ash and sand. He was a boy in his teen...

Kyoto's Traditional Houses Are Going Extinct

<p>Kyoto's traditional homes called Machiya are going extinct. That's partially due to the government's desire to keep the people safe from fires (since a Machiya is traditionally made of wood). Moreover, M...

Researchers Have Read This Sealed Letter Without Opening It

<p>Have you received a sealed letter and looked at it against the sun to see what's inside? Only to find out that you can't understand anything.</p><p>Well, these researchers have been successfu...

How Long Do Kittens Sleep?

<p>Babies need a lot of sleep for their development. Kittens are similar to babies, so don’t be surprised and worried if you find them sleeping most of the time. But how long do kittens sleep? <a h...

Daniel Kordan’s Stunning Photos of Fireflies in Japan

<p>Back in 2019, Russian photographer Daniel Kordan had the chance to go to Kyushu, Japan, during the beetle mating season. Kordan did not miss the opportunity to photograph the thousands of fireflies that...

Stylish Dog Sneakers By RIFRUF

After seeing that Caesar’s paws often get burnt, inflamed, or cut, the designers from RIFRUF immediately realized that their dog needed shoes. However, as they searched for dog shoes available at the market, they d...

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