Archive for March 2nd, 2021

An Honest Trailer for Coming To America

Now that we are looking forward to seeing Coming 2 America (the sequel), it's a good time to look back at the original 1988 movie Coming To America. Screen Junkies finds plenty of fun to poke at the Edd...

Artificial Intelligence Tries QWOP

QWOP, arguably the most difficult video game ever, was foisted upon us by Bennett Foddy in 2008. The point of the game is to control a sprinter with four keys that move his thigh and calf muscles. A few seconds in, and y...

In Which We Learn Where "That Song" Came From

THREAD: Lots of us learned classical music from watching old cartoons, so I’m going to identify the pieces that frequently popped up.One of the most recognizable is Franz Liszt’s “Hungarian Rhapsody N...

Dog Goes for a Towed Sled Ride

Pufi, a dog in Romania, knows how to enjoy a snowstorm. In this video, his human, Andrei, towed Pufi on a sled behind a bike.After this video went viral, CERT Transylvania, a disaster relief organization, provided Andrei...

Motorized Ice Skates

Simon Sörensen builds remote controlled vehicles and handy gadgets of all kinds, including a hovercraft, an electric hand warmer, and an airboat. His latest invention is appropriate for winter weather. It takes all...

Specialized Profession: Luxury Marriage Proposal Planner

  View this post on Instagram A post shared by PROPOSAL PLANNERS | TYG EVENTS (@theyesgirls)Would you like to propose marriage to your partner? Do you have a $100,000 to spend? Then I have a great service fo...

Toy Company Offers Home Office Play Set

When Mommy and/or Daddy are busy trying to get Zoom to work and fix errors in Excel formulas, we need to be quiet and not distract them. Or we can join in the obvious fun they are having talking with their boss, who is u...

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