Archive for February 28th, 2021

Meet The Company That Will Buy Your Old Ratty T-Shirts

Hey, at least you can get cash by trading in the clothes you’ll never wear again! For Days is a startup company that aims to incentivize people to part with clothes responsibly through their system called “Cl...

HP’s Free 4G Commercial

<p>Back in 2015, tech company HP announced that their HP Stream Tablets and x360 Notebooks with Intel Inside would come with free 4G, and they promoted this via this funny commercial, which showed two peopl...

The Open World Pokemon Game We All Needed

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Take all the time to develop this one, Gamefreak. Pokemon Legends: Arceus, what seems to be an open world action based-RPG, has been</span><a h...

Throat Notes

They say the animals of Australia all want to kill us, but even when they don't they can be pretty creepy. It's not so bad when they are cartoons. In a backyard in Tasmania, there are plenty of creatures who have plenty...

The Fever That Struck New York

You've read plenty about COVID-19 and what it did to New York City in early 2020. We've also posted quite a bit about the 1918 influenza pandemic and the Black Death. But disease epidemics strike somewhere in every era....

What Caused The Extinction of the Woolly Mammoth?

For years, scientists have debated the cause of the extinction of the woolly mammoth. Some suggested that the giant creatures went extinct because of the climate change that happened about 15,000 years ago. Others sugges...

A Virtual Ride On A LEGO Roller Coaster

<p>The Akiyuki Brick Channel on YouTube has set up a 224-foot LEGO roller coaster track for those who miss riding roller coasters. A cart equipped with a GoPro camera was put on the track, which gives us &l...

This May Be The Oldest Pet Cemetery In The World

Ten years ago, in the early Roman port of Berenice in Egypt, archaeozoologist Marta Osypinska and her colleagues discovered a grave site just outside the city walls, beneath a Roman trash dump. But it wasn’t people...

Can Cats See Ghosts?

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Have you ever spotted your cat (or someone else’s, that’s also fine) staring into space for a long period of time? If you did, don’t w...

Baitinger’s Automatic Eater

Conveyor belt sushi restaurants have been around since 1958, but the concept goes back much further. In 1923, John Moses Baitinger of Minnesota received a patent for a restaurant system that brought food to diners on a s...

How Sacred Flowers Are Turned Into Incense Sticks

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Well, at least they’re not just thrown away after use! Indian startup Phool collects flowers offered by Hindu worshippers and recycles them into i...

Physicists Claim That A Multiverse Has To Exist

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">The concept of multiverses isn’t just in fiction. Physicists believe that a multiverse has to exist in our universe today, because of how the diff...

Photographers Make Children's Dreams a Reality

<p>Atlanta photographers Regis and Kahran Bethencourt are a couple <a href="" ta...

Dogs in the Arctic

The British Museum planned an exhibit called Arctic culture and climate, but was unable to open due to the pandemic. You can take a video tour instead. Part of the exhibit looks at the dogs of the Arctic, which have been...

Grandmother Beats Up Purse Snatcher

<p>Our <a href="" target="_blank">heart...

The Secret Message On Edvard Munch’s ‘The Scream’ Has Been Solved

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">A piece of graffiti along the rolling clouds at </span><a href="" target="_blank"...

The Truth About The “Pig-Faced Women” In Traveling Shows

There is a legend in the 17th century that tells the story of a woman whose face turned to that of a pig’s, thanks to the power of witchcraft. According to the story, after the wedding of a man and the pig-faced wo...

Cat Saves Family From Gas Leak

<p>Dogs have been known to alert their families whenever they notice something wrong in their homes. This phenomenon has been reported a few times in the past. Cats, on the other hand, are not as communicat...

It’s A Solar Light That Purifies Water

<p>Despite having the South Pacific Ocean in front of them, the people of Chile, specifically those who live in shantytowns, still have a problem with the supply of clean water, as they don’t have the...

Origami And Where You Can Learn It On The Internet

<p>It may already be hundreds of years old, but the Japanese art of paper folding, origami, still thrives to this day, and it remains as a fun activity for anyone, may it be a kid or an adult. Origami can b...

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