Archive for February 16th, 2021

Magic Carpet Made Of Light

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Sadly, we can’t ride this one yet. Scientists were able to make two small plastic plates float using, not any type of special cloth, but light! Ye...

An Unexpected Cure For Baldness Appears From A Stem Cell Breakthrough

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Scientists at Japan’s RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research have achieved a breakthrough when it comes to&nbsp; finding a way to regen...

AI Uncovers The Hidden Patterns In Numbers

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Wait... there’s a pattern? Besides the usual patterns in numbers that we see (ie. in multiples of twos or threes, odd or even numbers, the fibonac...

Man Raises A Parakeet After Rescuing An Egg

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">This man shared his story of how he tried to raise a baby parakeet after it hatched from a small egg the man found on the floor of a cage at a pet store...

Before There Were Snowplows, There Were Snow Rollers

<p><a href="" target="_blank">Core 77</a> introduces us to the...

Explaining an mRNA Vaccine with Star Wars

There’s nothing as relatable as a Star Wars analogy to explain something totally unrelated. Randall Munroe goes back to the original Star Wars movie (now called A New Hope) to show how th...

City Guesser

The game City Guesser has the same premise of GeoGuessr in that you are to guess where in the world you are. But City Guesser gives you clues in the form of video instead of a still picture. I tried the US only version,...

11 Songs Inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings

Embed from Getty ImagesJRR Tolkien’s trilogy The Lord of the Rings was published in the 1950s, which made it the perfect fantasy fodder for young Baby Boomers. Some of them went on to become songwriters...

The Green Claymation

How many pop culture characters can you portray in claymation (stop-motion with clay) if you only have green clay? Filmmaker Trent Shy shows us eight of them. After the short animation, we get a fast-moving version that...

Skating Through the Ice

  #Amsterdam #ijsnietoveralgoed #keizersgracht— Geertje (@ikkomuitdrenthe) February 14, 2021 The Dutch, for whom ice skating is both a tradition and a weapon, know their craft well...

Carved Coffee Beans

Yes, that's Thanos. His entire head fits neatly on a coffee bean carved by Valeriano Fatica.Fatica lives in Oratino, a small town in central Italy where he was born and raised. He worked in his family restaurant and bega...

Zip On Bike Tire Treads

This morning, I greeted the dense blanket of snow in Texas with a bike ride. The snow did not make for easy travel. Perhaps this product called reTyre might help. The company of the same name, which is based in Norway, m...

A Sink Made Just For Vomiting

It's in a bar in Germany, but, having worked a public libraries, I wish that this appliance was more widely available outside of German bars. Andrew Bulkeley, a journalist who has spent a lot of time in Germany, explains...

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