Archive for February 11th, 2021

These Are Houses Built With Bricks Made Out of Plastic Waste

<p>We produce tons of plastic waste annually. With this being the case, it is only normal for us to see plastic everywhere, and it is only normal that we feel the negative environmental effects that it caus...

In Taiwan: Macaque Found Hard At Work In A University

It’s the winter break at the National Sun Yat-sen University, which means that there are very few to no people in the campus. And because the university is pretty much empty at the moment, one macaque took that opp...

Cool Illustrations By Christoph Niemann

Christoph Niemann shows us in these illustrations that everything, even random objects around us can be a source of artistic inspiration. A bulldozer truck and a street light could turn into the arms of a determined woma...

Movie Fartwork

In which “artwork” becomes “fartwork.” Moni Powers has a series of movie posters starring butts in place of movie stars, with reworked titles that give farts and butts center stage. Sure, it&rsquo...

Little Free Art Galleries

I went for a walk and ran into a little free art gallery with tiny people! It has a take a tiny painting or leave a tiny painting policy!— Siel Ju (@sielju) February 7, 2021 <...

Linus Tech Tips Tests Starlink

YouTuber Linus Sebastian tests how fast the connection of Starlink is. You may remember last year from leaks that the download speeds of Starlink ranged from 11 to 60 Mbps. Now, it has doubled. However, it still is much...

Are First Impressions On The First Date Accurate?

<p>Whether it is in the platonic or romantic setting, first impressions are important in making friendships and in building on a romantic relationship. Previous studies have already shown that we can make a...

The Man Buried At Sutton Hoo

The year was 1937. During a fete in Woodbridge in Suffolk, England, landowner Edith May Pretty talked to Vincent B. Redstone about the possibility of opening the peculiar mounds on her estate to see their contents. Redst...

Artistic Breads by Doughy Tribbiani

With this loaf, Seattle-based baker Doughy Tribbiani wished his readers a "Happy Challa-ween". It's a beautiful bread that illustrates what amazing sculptures can be made with challah dough. He colored it with activated...

There’s Something Around Alpha Centauri

<p>Something around Alpha Centauri, the closest star in our Solar System, has caught the eyes of astronomers. They think that it could be a planet similar to Neptune but warmer, which is not “particul...

What to Know Before Perseverance Lands on Mars

NASA’s fifth Mars rover Perseverance launched in July of 2020, and is scheduled to land on Mars on Thursday, February 18th. The purpose of the rover is to look for signs of previous life on the red planet. You can...

Something is Leaking from the Attic

This looks a little concerning, don’t you think? Redditor dhl posted a picture that drew all sorts of speculation, the most obvious being that blood is draining from a dead body hidden up there. Or maybe cedar wood...

The 2021 Underwater Photographer Of The Year Contest Winners

The Underwater Photographer of the Year recognizes the best pictures from the adventurous photographers who take risks to bring the ocean to all of us. The 2021 awards have been announced. American photographer Renee Cap...

Man Uses Frozen Pants to Claim Parking Space

<p>In some cities, it is customary to mark a street-side parking spot as claimed by a person. To transgress upon a claimed parking spot may result in a duel. Thoughtful and civilized residents of such citie...

Using a Frozen Towel as a Sled

  It's cold enough in Calgary today that I used a frozen towel as a toboggan 😂— Kyle Brittain (@KyleTWN) February 7, 2021 As The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy inform...

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