When You Get Jealous Of Your Baby Sister

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. This photo of Josefina sitting down beside her grandmother, who’s holding her baby sister, is a testament to that popular adage. Josefina might have described herself in this photo as “sitting quietly”, but we know that she's not quiet deep inside because of her facial expression.

What made you jealous of your sibling when you were a child?

Image via Awkward Family Photos

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Well, since you ask, I reckon the whole thing started with the adoption, albeit not legally done, of my elder brother's illegitimate child.Even though my mother had tried to have me aborted (which she told me about when I was 12, so it is probably not relevant to the story) she was more then happy to have a girl child again.I do understand that my mother's parents taking her first born daughter away, blaming the war, saying whatever lies they did, may have given my mother a warped desire to have another daughter, but for me, already the unwanted one, it was as if someone had cut the final string on the parachute, and plummet was all I had left.This was when I was 7 and my father had just left us and moved to a different country, I guess that gave my mother license to take the girl baby on.The girl, now forcibly called my sister, was and is a bright person (runs a large commercial bank now, worth mega-bucks, while, lol, I struggle along, still doing manual labour at my advanced age) and quickly became the apple of everyone's eye, sans me.Credit where it is due, my 'sister' was never unkind towards me herself, but my other sister, who I had defined as a surrogate mother for me, stepped out of that role completely when the baby girl came alone, leaving me bereft ... of my mother, my father, and my big sister in her parental, caring capacity.Not that my big sister was mean or anything, just 'not there' anymore.I had older brothers, but they were of an age where even noticing the kid brother was impossible.And then, 3 years later, the broken family moved overseas to live with the father, which meant, at least for me, leaving the few school friends I had, and becoming the foreign kid at a new school, 4 times over the next 3 years, with one of those moves having me as the new foreign kid of a different skin colour .... want to know how that feels ? ... the getting chased home by a group of bigger kids of a different race from you, beaten up, bleeding .... 2 or 3 times a week ... for 14 months ? Having my mother telling me to grow up and fight back, don't be a pussy.Ah, listen to me, whingeing .... yes, I suffered abandonment, racial bigotry, bullying .... but nothing as bad as some of my friends, women who when girls, were raped by their fathers, men who when young boys were raped by their fathers, girls who were thrown out of their family homes because they were pregnant, sometimes by their fathers.I got off lightly.And then I think about the animals, the way they are treated, the way they are cruelly and inhumanely corralled to their deaths, murders really, often being cut into and sliced up while they are still alive, just so some human can pick and choose in a supermarket chiller.So, corona virus ? covid -19 super strain now ?Bring it on, the world needs cleansing .... of humans.
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