Lego Plants, Anyone?

Want some plants at the comfort of your own home without the need to water them to keep them fresh? LEGO has you covered with their botanical collection.

… the new sets include a LEGO flower bouquet and a LEGO bonsai tree. apart from it being absolutely breathtaking, the LEGO botanical collection includes a number of elements made from plant-based plastic, produced using sustainable sourced sugarcane — a move LEGO announced in 2020. 

The flower bouquet set is composed of 756 pieces, while the bonsai tree set has 878.


(Image Credit: LEGO/ DesignBoom)

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I had to do the same thing with the Saturn V and Moon lander sets: Waited for gift cards. Could not keep a real bonsai tree alive, so I might save for the Lego version next.
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