Archive for January 10th, 2021

The Day That Cost Jack Ma, Founder of Alibaba, 3 Billion Dollars

The founder of the Alibaba Group, Jack Ma, made an infamous speech on October 24th at the Bund Summit in Shanghai that cost him 3 billion dollars.He commenced by saying he was torn about what he was about to say but felt...

Undercover Best Friend

<p>You know you have the bestest friend in the world when she goes her way to disguise herself in order to watch over you on your first date. Just like your guardian angel, if you believe in those.</p>...

Abstract Landscapes By Jason Anderson

<p>Artist Jason Anderson masterfully uses the impasto technique in these works. With each stroke of the brush, the pixelated abstract images of horizons and city centers are created in the various colors in...

Lego Plants, Anyone?

<p>Want some plants at the comfort of your own home without the need to water them to keep them fresh? LEGO has you covered with their botanical collection.</p><blockquote>… the new sets...

Platypus Genes are Part Bird, Reptile, and Mammal

Platypuses are the weirdest animals in the weirdest class of mammals known as monotremes. They lay eggs, feed their young with milk, have venomous spurs, and glow in the dark. They have duck bills, webbed feet, and fur....

In Search of the Mahogany Ship in Australia

<p>With his partner Margie, local treasure hunter Ross Poulter walks on the Shipwreck Coast of Victoria, Australia. This treacherous coast is known for the nearly 700 ships wrecked along its coastline in th...

Cary Grant: A Brilliant Disguise

Who an actor is should never be confused with the roles he plays, but cinematic history is littered with talented people done in by their offscreen personalities and/or personal lives. Those successful at avoiding su...

Model Railway POV with Monster

You might think you're watching a travelogue from a train until you see the giant feline stalking your ride! Jonathan Lawton of West Yorkshire built this model railway and strapped a camera on the front, which is infinit...

John Adams: Superspreader

When President John Adams was 85 years old, he attended a conference in Massachusetts and came down with the flu, which he suffered from for several weeks. However, it did not curb his activities much, as he related in a...

Parrot Gets a New Beak

A parrot was found in Brazil with a large part of its beak broken off. Since parrots use their beaks for everything, the bird was in danger of starving to death without it. The veterinarians at Renascer Acn, an animal...

Knife-Wielding Squirrel

So apparently knife wielding squirrels are a thing now.... #Squirrels #Toronto #blogto— Andrea Diamond (@asdiamond) January 6, 2021...

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