From A School Bus To A Wonderful House On Wheels

US Coast Guard veteran Craig J. Gordnier transformed a 1999 Blue Bird school bus into a house on wheels. The transformation was a solo project that ran for 200 days. The result of his hard work was a surprisingly spacious and cozy home. It even comes with an espresso bar! Designboom has more details: 

craig began by raising the original roof by 20 inches, resulting in a maximum ceiling height of 8ft 6 inches. the interior is split into kitchen, living, and sleeping accommodation, with the bed located at the rear of the bus and the kitchen counter positioned at the front. 
partitioned off from the bed is a rainfall shower with skylight above. the bus also features a tiled hearth to match the shower, an artificial fireplace, an 11ft poured epoxy kitchen counter, a full espresso bar, a queen size pull out couch, and stainless steel appliances. everything is 100% powered by the sun thanks to solar panels on the roof.
the new home was designed and built by craig and he now lives and travels full time in the 1999 blue bird. to see more pictures of the transformation, and to follow craig on his journeys across the US, you can check out his instagram page here, where he posts to over 11k followers.

Image via Designboom 

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After looking at the Designboom article, I'm thinking "where's the toilet?". Found it pictured on Instagram. The partition wall between the bath & living areas obscures the toilet. It's to the left of the vanity and has a step up to access it. Definitely don't want to have balance issues while accessing the toilet. The interior design of the bus is beautiful.
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