Experts Making You Uncomfortable

Harvard professor Michael Baym asked Twitter users to share an "uncomfortable" fact that they know because of their professional expertise. Since many of his followers are academics, we have a lot of cringeworthy facts in the replies.

While it's nice to know how the world works, some of these bits of knowledge explain the old adage that ignorance is bliss. As a commenter at Metafilter put it, "Seems like most of them boil down to, there are no adults in the room, and you are far less safe from nature than modern living leads you to believe."  

Read a lot more of these facts (and they aren't all science-related) in the Twitter thread.  -via Metafilter

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Blogger and librarian: one of my Neatorama posts was once cited as a source by a geologist in a scholarly work on a subject I know almost nothing about. I have a degree in theology, not geoscience.
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