Founding Father Gouverneur Morris Died From a Self-Inflicted Penis Injury

Gouverneur Morris was given an awesome name at birth, and became a well-respected representative of what would become the state of Pennsylvania. He wrote the Preamble to the Constitution, and spoke up against slavery at the Constitutional Convention. Morris was later to serve as both a senator and a diplomat. But he had long term health problems, and died in 1816 at the age of 63.

Modern medicine has seen its greatest advances in the past century or so, with ever improving techniques and knowledge. Prior to that, people were often on their own to treat themselves and sadly such experimentation often met with unsuccessful results. This includes Gouverneur Morris, an American founding father, who died as a result of a self-inflicted injury to his penis.

The actions that led to Morris' death are cringe-inducing, but were the result of desperation. Read about Morris and his strange death at Medium. -via Strange Company

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I agree, but I was actually trying to make the claims of those that state words like: "covid isn't a problem and anyhow they didn't die of covid but of other conditions" seem as ridiculous as I (and any reasonable scientifically supportable position) think they should be seen.
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Are you sure he died of "the penis injury" (or from the infection he got from the damage done during the whale bone thing)? A current argument from some seems to be that people don't die of [that current plague thingy], they instead die of pre-existing conditions (such as being older than 49 - the pivot point where death becomes much more likely). So shouldn't we say he died of the (first) UTI? Although you could argue the resulting second infection was a UTI also, so blame the UTI's all the way!
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