Archive for December 21st, 2020

Down the Rabbit Hole: How One Collector Discovered a World of Cast-Iron Doorstops

Have you ever seen a cast-iron dog? They were once quite popular, used to prop open doors or to keep doorknobs from damaging the wall behind them. Scott Thompson knows all about doggie doorstops, rabbit and fox doorstops...

Can Coffee Really Stunt Growth?

<p>It is a common belief by many that coffee stunts growth. This is primarily the reason why kids are not allowed to drink coffee. But is it true?</p><blockquote>Research suggests mostly no. The...

Son Takes Baseball Advice Literally

<p>Having obedient children is a good thing. They will listen to what you say, and they follow your advice, and sometimes they follow it literally, just like what this boy does when his dad told him to &ldq...

The Man Who Designed Over 800 Toys

<p>This is Eddy Goldfarb. You might not have heard about him, but he’s the man behind the invention of the Yakity Yak Teeth, the game KerPlunk, and the bubble gun. Throughout his life, he has created...

Lân Nguyen's Cloudy Silhouettes

Lân Nguyen, a photographer in the Netherlands, experiments with laying silhouettes over the sky and mixing the forms with the shapes suggested by the clouds and moon. The results are often amusing and heartwarming....

Creative Barcode Designs

Barcodes, which you commonly see on the back of products you buy from the store, usually have a boring appearance. But it doesn’t mean that they have to be boring. Some packaging designers create barcode designs th...

It’s A Cute Hedgehog

<p>With happy music in the background, and a cute hedgehog smiling as it faces the camera, try not to say “aww” on this video. A word of warning: it will be extremely difficult.</p><p&g...

Pets Hold Some Sort of Ritual

<p>Pets are adorable creatures when they are with humans, but you can’t say the same thing when they’re left on their own. That’s what Japanese user @muchi21067312 realized when he checked...

Why Being Kind to Others is Good for Your Health

We've often said the easiest way to find happiness is to help others. Now we see evidence that helping others may extend your happy life as well!Studies show, for instance, that volunteering correlates with a 24...

Mailman Encounters Ax-Wielding Dog

Tim Smith of Williamsburg, Kentucky, may have agreed to make his route, despite rain, snow, heat, or gloom of night. But he never agreed to face down dogs with axes. Fox 19 News quotes him:There’s a lot of reasons...

Mr. Hamster Escapes Jail

A dramatic action film in miniature! This little guy goes the extra mile, but the prop master deserves  credit for bringing this story to life. It's amazing what quarantine boredom can accomplish. See more of Mr. Ha...

The Funniest Joke In The World

AsapSCIENCE doesn’t really need eight minutes to tell a joke, but this one requires some setup, because it’s SCIENCE! First, we get an explanation of the origins of humor, then the basic structure of a joke a...

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