Archive for December 15th, 2020

How to Not Get Murdered in a Quaint English Village

I know from watching Murder, She Wrote that the best thing you can do for yourself is not be related to Jessica Fletcher. But what if you have instead found yourself inside an Agatha Christie murder mystery nove...

Chattering Teeth Synthesizer

<p><a href="" target="_blank">Love Hultén</a>, an "audiovisual artist" from Sweden makes amazingly amusing and interesting machine...

How Tag Became A Professional Sport

<p><span style="color: rgb(18, 18, 18);">Did you know that the simple game we played as kids is now officially a professional sport? I didn’t know until I saw this video! World Chase T...

What a Record Made of Chocolate Sounds Like

<p>Prudence Staite is a master chocolatier. She can make seemingly anything out of chocolate (and other foods) and does so with <a href="" target="_blank"&...

1002 Jenga Pieces Stacked on Top of One

<p>We were all impressed when, <a href="" target="_blank">last month</a>, redditor kelvin214 neatly ar...

When Houses Had Milk Doors

In the olden days, before Amazon Prime, people still had daily deliveries to their homes. In the United States, this often consisted of a daily drop off of fresh milk. The milk could be left at one's front door. But to h...

Bruised Banana Art

Anna Chojnicka, an artist in London, went into lockdown with the rest of her city last spring. She needed to be creative, so she began bruising bananas. She uses a stylus to lightly and precisely press into ripe bananas,...

2020 News Headlines, Generated by AI

Janelle Shane can generate the weirdest things with artificial intelligence. As 2020 draws to a close, readers have suggested that she train a neural network on the year's headlines and see if the algorithm can come up w...

Aerospace Engineers Propose Building Circular Runways

A Dutch team of aerospace engineers led by Henk Hesselink argue that future airports should be built with circular runways rather than linear ones. This would give pilots flexibility during variable weather conditions an...

Solar Eclipse Seen From Space

#SATELLITE SPOTLIGHT: Here's a closer look at today's total #SolarEclipse from @NOAA's #GOES16🛰️. The moon's shadow tracked over the southern Pacific Ocean, as well as across #Chile and #Argentina, before moving...

"The Great Wave off Kanagawa" in LEGO

How do you make a classical artwork both 3-dimensional and pixelated? You build it in LEGO blocks! Professional LEGO artist Jumpei Mitsui has completed a recreation of the renowned woodblock print "The Great Wave off Kan...

The Longest Photographic Exposure Ever

When she was working on her master's in fine art at the University of Hertfordshire, Regina Valkenborgh made a pinhole camera out of a beer can. She attached it to a telescope at the university's observatory, and then fo...

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