Archive for December 10th, 2020

What Time Is It In This Photo?

<p>Is it 7 AM? 11 AM? 3 PM? Look at the whole picture. The tire tracks on the snowy road. The school buses. The lamps on the street. The quiet ski resort.</p><p>If you can tell the time here on...

Rare "Christmas Star" Will Be Visible December 21

A rare conjunction of planets will soon be visible from earth for the first time in almost 800 years. Jupiter and Saturn will appear to be in close conjunction from our vantage point, only about a tenth of a degree apart...

Worried Man Checks On His Girlfriend Who Was Spending Too Long In Bath, Finds Something Surprising

<p>Japan — Twitter user Nekomarusuisan was worried about his girlfriend, who was spending a really long time in the bath. To make sure that nothing’s wrong with her, he checked up on her, and he...

Cops Rescue Wallaroo From River After Two-Hour Chase

Peru, Illinois — On December second, cops and firefighters as well as city residents joined forces for a mission. The mission: capture a runaway wallaroo, a marsupial between the size of a wallaby and a kangaroo.Th...

Is There A Hidden Message In The Cosmos?

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Okay, I don’t know how much time you have on your hands, but there’s no harm in asking about&nbsp; the unknown, right? Well, scientists...

Photo Of A Motionless Cube-Shaped UFO Got Leaked Online

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Move over, mysterious monoliths, there’s a new conspiracy in town. Time to bring back your tinfoil hats on, as an unclassified image that was repo...

Apocalypse Christmas

Christmas becomes gloriously weird in the song "Apocalypse Christmas" by the RiffTones. Josh Flowers made a video for the song using clips from various B-movies featured on RiffTrax. From those movies, he managed to find...

When the Warminster 'Thing' Terrorized a Small English Town

In the wee hours of Christmas 1964, more than 30 people experienced weird sounds and apparent mayhem on their rooftops in the village of Warminster, England, and at the nearby military base. You might be tempted to blame...

This Installation Rips Open Its Chest To Provide A Pathway For People

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">There’s something symbolic about it, if you think about it. Artist and sculptor </span><a href="" t...

Google's Year In Search 2020

Google Trends has released the top search terms for 2020, and made this video to illustrate the overarching topics of what people searched for. It's a short but good look at the year, centered around the word "why," but...

This Pennsylvanian Winter Cocktail Is Sweet, Spicy, and Possibly Explosive

What could be more festive than a hot toddy infused with honey, spices, and citrus fruits? That's what boilo is, but unless you're from Pennsylvania, you've probably never heard of it.  While boilo’s range is...

Don’t Eat This Octopus

<p>If ever you see this type of octopus being sold at your local market, alert the authorities immediately. While it may look good and smell good, these octopus are not edible, as they can kill people.</...

What Happens To The Stuff Donated To Goodwill?

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">If you’re wondering how entities like Goodwill sell people’s donations and where the profits go, this piece from Good Day LA will fill you i...

Red Cat Inception

I have a large red cat, and I see cats on the internet all the time who look just like him, so I know how common they are. Redditor teoman_asyn got a lesson on how common they are as he got into a strange situation. My c...

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