Archive for November 24th, 2020

It’s A Dark Cloud In The Cosmos

<p>This is Barnard 68, a dark absorption nebula found near the constellation Ophiucus. This molecular cloud <a href="" target="_blank">absor...

It’s A Cardboard Shinto Shrine For Cats

Are cats really gods in our midst? I wouldn’t be surprised if the answer to my question is yes. And if that is the case, then it would only be fitting to serve these creatures and devote ourselves to them.So why no...

Mandalorian "Jeans Guy" Goes Viral

Name a more iconic duo. I’ll wait.— The Star Wars Underworld (@TheSWU) November 23, 2020 This week's new episode of The Mandalorian has the internet all abuzz, not bec...

Chả Rươi -- A Dish Made of Worms

Oddity Central introduces us to chả rươi, a popular street food in Vietnam. This omelet dish is high in protein because the principle ingredient is palolo sand worms (a species distinct from the sandworms of Arrakis)...

How a Thanksgiving Day Gag Ruffled Feathers in Mission Control

The early days of space flight were quite different. Rocket scientists would sometimes even pull practical jokes on their team, such as the time Gene Kranz convinced flight director Chris Kraft that an Atlas rocket had a...

The Batmanorah

<p>Every year, redditor lockstocks85 makes a custom menorah in preparation for Hanukkah. <a href="

The 10-Year Hunt for the Lost McDonald's DS Game

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">I honestly didn't know this was a thing. That is, until I stumbled on this video discussing the lost McDonald’s DS Game. At first I thought that t...

Dog Protects Soldier As He Naps At The Airport

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Such a caring companion! A soldier at the Indianapolis airport decided to get some quick shut-eye, and one of the dogs in the group of soldiers he was w...

Fossil Galaxy Found In The Heart Of Milky Way

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Don’t worry, it’s not a literal galaxy made up of fossils. Researchers from Liverpool John Moores University have discovered a fossil galaxy...

Smart Heated Gloves And Socks Will Keep You Warm This Winter

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Ordinary heated gloves on the market can warm you up in certain conditions, but can they regulate the heat depending on the outside temperature? Can the...

Babysitting Cat

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">You don’t need to hire a babysitter at this rate if all cats are like this one! Joey Mansalugan’s cat Keanu took care of her 3-month-old bab...

Humans Discover Monolith in Utah

CORRECTION 11/25/20: Arthur C. Clarke wrote the screenplay and the novel more or less simultaneously.--------------The Stanley Kubrick film 2001 (and the Arthur C. Clark novels on which it was based) h...

19 Dogs Standing on Polypores

<p>Sad and Useless calls its gallery the <a href="" target="_blank">World's Greatest Gallery of Dogs Standing on Mushrooms</a>, but...

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