A Historical Landmark Quite Like No Other

The Tree Root Cave, also known as The Tree of Life, The Runaway Tree, and the Kalaloch Tree is can be found on the coast of Washington State at Kalaloch.

The tree pictured is a Sitka spruce. There's a lot of mystery surrounded both the tree and the natural phenomenon that allows it to hang there so delicately without collapsing. Especially since it is buffeted by storms rolling in from the Pacific Ocean. It brings a whole new meaning to the phrase "hanging by a limb"! 

So how does this mysterious tree stay green, you might ask? If you go inside the cave, you'll see a stream fall into it and flow out into the ocean. The stream washes out the soil underneath the roots, keeping everything fresh.

The tree is located in the Olympic National Forest, which is also home to the world's largest Sitka spruce. According to Olympic National Parks, this Sitka Spruce is one of 6 record-breaking trees located in the Quinault Valley. I grew up in a neighboring community and can attest it is an impressive tree.

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Image Credit: Caryn899 / TripAdvisor

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