On the Data is Beautiful subreddit, dyqz posted the results of a poll he took in which 1600 people showed how differently they view holes. If you can dig a hole in the ground that is shaped like a bowl, then doesn't a bowl also have a hole? But if there was a hole in your bowl, your soup would leak out! Is a pore in your skin considered a hole? What if it is filled with a blackhead -is it still a hole? How about a coffee cup: is the hole the place where you put the coffee, or the place you put your fingers in to hold it, or both? And then there's the drinking straw, which may have one hole or two (one at each end). Jason Kottke gives us some definitions of a hole from various thinkers, which only raise more questions. A golf course has holes, but a topologist would say they are not holes at all, since they don't go all the way through the earth. In that case, your digestive tract would be a hole, but most people consider the ends to be two different holes. -via Metafilter, where there is a lot more discussion on the subject.
Comments (5)
*These cats suffer from many birth defects and usually die young. Because ligers are usually larger than either parent, it also puts the tigress at great risk in carrying the young and may require C-section deliveries or kill her in the process. When the public quits paying to see these unfortunate creatures, the evil people responsible for breeding them will stop this inhumane practice.
I'm not sure if this is an extreme crazy persons view, or if they had a valid point- but now I am sad to see Ligers.
However, I would pay top dollar to see a ligon fight two male lions, or one gigantic elephant.
That thing looks like a horse though. I love it!
I don't think they should be bred purely for entertainment purposes though. That's a bit wrong.
Napoleon Dynamite: A liger.
Deb: What's a liger?
Napoleon Dynamite: It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed... bred for its skills in magic