New Amazon Patent Plans To Make All Toxic Gamers Play With Each Other

It is a common experience to be matched up with or against a toxic player in an online game. Of course, we don’t like it when it happens. But we’re not quitters, and so we just bear with it until the match ends, and we hope that there will be no toxic players in the next game. But what if that can be a reality? Where all the non-toxic players can enjoy the game, while the toxic ones get to play with each other? It seems that these will soon come true if this new patent from Amazon pushes through.

Instead of just giving them the boot, Business Insider reports that the system would instead give the most toxic gamers a taste of their own medicine by putting them all in the same matches with each other. Then, all the people who would otherwise ruin your game end up harassing and trolling each other instead.
But this new patent would track gamers throughout all of their matches, minding the names they call teammates and opponents as well as other metrics for their behavior. Similar idea, but more ambitious in terms of how people get sorted. It’s sort of like a gaming version of the algorithms already used and abused by real-world law enforcement, but with vastly lower stakes — and no one is actually prevented from playing the game as a result.

What are your thoughts about this one?

(Image Credit: Olichel/ Pixabay)

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Not to mention that there are plenty of ways to ruin people's fun in a game without ever calling anyone nasty names. Some players are also straight up going to be better than everyone else in a game and people will accuse them of cheating. How much you want to bet some players will falsely be reported for imagined infractions and after $X complaints your account is flagged as "toxic."

Plus, how long are you flagged as toxic? What if your behavior improves? Will you be let out of "toxic player" jail? What if putting toxic players with other toxic players just makes everyone angrier and more toxic?
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Wait, taking the people who says things you don't like (and might even look different too) and segregating them off from the rest of the population? So you can protect the pure, benevolent, beautiful ones? I duno, sounds to me like Amazon is taking ideas from the Far Right. Or maybe it's the Far Left at this point. Someone should tell the brainlords at Amazon that these tactics have never worked because nature naturally creates a contrast of human beings. A bell curve, if you will. And when you section off "the bad ones", then new bad ones get created within the good ones because things get boring. It's called Human Nature and its not new bruh. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
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