There are too many practical people on the internet today. This bed frame of a provenance unknown to me appears to allow cats to wander in and out at will.
But how will you detect the cat vomit before it sets deeply into the carpet? And if you simply can't locate your cat and begin a panic attack (I have owned a cat for only one year but can attest that this phenomenon is real), your search must include moving your mattress completely off its frame. Thus many internet denizens reject this design as impractical.
Is the cuteness factor really worth the stress?
-via Messy Nessy Chic
Comments (3)
Not to mention burns and abrasions from the friction. By the time you slid more than a couple of floors, the rubbing against the chute could create serious heat against skin.
I worry about someone twisting into the wrong position, getting stuck and others piling on top of him.