Archive for October 29th, 2020

The Walking Wheelchair Rises to Eye Level

Suzanne Brewer, an architect, designed this amazing wheelchair for her son, Jarvis. The idea came to her when a man using a wheelchair in a bar couldn't get high enough to reach a drink from a bartender. What if the chai...

The Most Pessimistic Quotes

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Sometimes the ‘inspirational quotes’ we see all over social media sites can be annoying. From the daily ‘good quotes’ your relat...

What Does Dark Matter Look Like?

<p>The answer? Nobody knows. But maybe this image from the American Museum of Natural History, which was <a href="" target="_blank">created...

A New Way To Improve Strength And Decrease Muscle Wastage

For people who had one of their arms or legs immobilized, it is to be expected that the immobilized limb would become tinier than its active counterpart, due to loss of muscle mass (also called muscle wastage) in the imm...

Want To Buy An RC Baby Yoda?

<p>Many toy companies have sold us Baby Yoda toys, but it seems that the public’s thirst for the merchandise isn’t quenched yet. And now comes along another Baby Yoda toy. This time, it’s...

Kotaku Asks: “What Game Scared You The Most?”

<p>It’s an entirely different experience to play a horror game than to watch a horror movie, and I believe that the former is a more terrifying experience than the latter. In a horror movie, you just...

Halloween Decorations Prompt Multiple Police Visits

Steven Novak of Dallas, Texas, went all out with his Halloween decorations this year, turning his front yard into the scene of a gruesome multiple murder. Several bodies plus disembodied parts are laid out among puddles...

Can Lab-grown Brains Become Conscious?

Scientists have grown human brain tissue from stem cells, producing tiny clumps of tissue called organoids. Neuroscientist Alysson Muotri is among many scientists who have used such organoids for all kinds of research.Bu...

Shopkeeper Installs Glass Panels So That Ceiling Cats Can Watch Customers

The cats that live in your ceiling need to keep an eye on you. Try to be helpful to them as this shopkeeper in Japan has been. Twitter user SCMCrocodile reports that a friend swapped out the drop panels in his shop's hop...

People Are Treating This 3D Tour of a House for Sale Like a Horror Game

Our game is titled The House on Blue Lick Road. It's a real house and actually for sale in Louisville, Kentucky. You can take a 3D tour of it . . . if you dare!Walk around the sprawling and labyrinthine structur...

These Pants Are Made Of The World’s Strongest Material

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">The Omega pants by Graphene-X is made of a three-layer fabric that’s stretchable, waterproof, and destruction-proof. That’s right, destructi...

Comedy Wildlife Photography Award Winners 2020

The winners have been announced in the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards for 2020! The overall winner is the picture above, in which Terry the turtle flips the bird. Is he sending a message to the photographer? That wou...

The Only Monument in the USA Dedicated to a Prostitute

The high plains town of Lusk, Wyoming has a wild, cowboy history. It has a peculiar relationship with the soiled doves of its past. For example, the Yellow Hotel brothel and its madam, Dell Burke, were famous in the regi...

Meet The Man Who Walked 300 Miles Over 20 Days

Walking 300 miles in over 20 days is not an easy thing to do. To walk the same number of miles while wearing 63 pounds of armor is much harder, but it is still achievable. Meet Lewis Kirkbride, a 38-year-old charity work...

This May Be The Largest Flying Bird Ever

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Pelagornithids are a group of ancient avians that can be described as the largest flying birds of all time. These humongous birds had a wingspan of 20 f...

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