Archive for October 24th, 2020

Uhhh… Bon Appetit?

<p>One of the best foods that you can order at Chinese restaurants is steamed <a href=",t%20especially%20big...

Weird, Weird Facts About The Human Body

<p>Did you know that you release up to 1.5 liters of gas everyday? Are you aware of the fact that the microorganisms in your body outnumber your own human cells 10 to 1? How much do you know about the human...

We Finally Know What a Dinosaur Anus Looks Like

<p>When you think about dinosaurs, does the creature's anus come to mind? It was certainly not addressed directly in <em>Jurassic Park</em>, a 1993 documentary about paleontological experimentat...

Have You Ever Seen a Starfish Gallop?

You can see starfish in the ocean, but you've probably never studied a live one this closely. They have no brain, but they have five arms and a lot of "feet" on the underside of those arms. They use those feet to move ar...

Glass Floor in an Irish Grocery Store Reveals a Medieval Archaeological Site

<p>While building this Lidl store in Dublin, Ireland, construction crews found the remains of an 11th Century house. Lidl worked with archaeologists to continue construction while also studying the site and...

Bongo Cat

You've probably enjoyed the animated musical stylings of Bongo Cat occasionally over the past couple of years. Now you can be Bongo Cat and make your own music with this web toy. Use your keyboard to hit the var...

The Buried African Folklore behind the Pop Culture Zombie

In Night of the Living Dead, The Walking Dead, and other fictional zombie worlds, the zombies are the monsters, intent of killing and devouring innocent human life. But in the original zombie folklore, the zombi...

Notable Tattoos of 1907

Tattoos have been around for thousands of years, and the easier they become, the more people get them. In 1891, Samuel O'Reilly patented an electric tattoo machine, which led to a sharp rise in the popularity of tattoos....

Halloween Hobo Nickels

  #NightmareBeforeChristmas I, Jack the #PumpkinKing grow tired of the same old thing #HoboNickel #CoinCarving by #DavidHjHe @davidar29827307 #Film #jackskellington #Halloween #HalloweenCountdown

NBA 2K Fans Not Happy With Unskippable Ads

<p>It’s understandable to have unskippable ads on free-to-play mobile games. After all, that’s how they can earn money. But to have unskippable ads on a game that you paid for full price is not,...

“This is Sparta” In Different Languages

In this two-minute clip, Good Comparison shows us how the legendary Leonidas line from the film 300 sounds like in 12 languages, including Spanish, French, Russian, and Japanese.Which one is your favorite and wh...

Did Cavemen Ever Really Exist?

Today, the term "caveman" really just means earlier versions of humans, but did they really live in caves? Humans arose in Africa, and eventually migrated to the rest of the world, which was colder and meant they needed...

Photoshop's neural filters make you smile

The new Photoshop's AI is amazing and feeds our questions about our new world of appearances and deep fakes. It can definitely gives us a good laugh!...

This Isn’t Your Ordinary Slo-Mo Hair Flip Video

<p>When it comes to making slo-mo hair flip videos, a person needs two basic elements: a person with long hair, and a camera that has a slow motion feature. Other elements are optional, but if you want to m...

Every Country’s Most Famous Mythical Creature, All In One Map

<p>What’s a famous mythical creature in your country? Have you ever wondered if other countries have the same kind of mythical beast in their fables and stories? No worries, as SavingSpot of CashNetUS...

Big Spiders From Scraps

<p>Don’t worry, these ones aren’t real. They look real scary at first glance though, not gonna lie.&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" style=&...

The Nutcracker Drive-In

<p>The San Diego Ballet will hold performances of Tchaikovsky's "The Nutcracker" at an outdoor stage, where the audience can park their cars and be able to watch the play. This adjustment, due to...

Ballet, Music, And The Streets Of New York Combine In This One Stunning Video

<p>If you’re a big fan of watching dance videos or art films, this video of ballet dancers might spark your interest. To celebrate Harlem Week 2020, the <a href="https://www.dancetheatreofharl...

The First Photographer To Win The Hugo Boss Prize

The Hugo Boss Prize is one of the top art awards in the world. The award is given to one artist every other year. New-York based photographer Deana Lawson has won the prestigious prize, and is the first photographer to d...

What Ever Happened to that Egyptian Who Was to Become the First of His Kind to Travel to Space?

<blockquote><span style="background-color: rgb(230, 219, 219); color: rgb(62, 56, 56);">A history of claiming to be the first Egyptian to conquer an incredible feat, Omar Samra decided that...

This Might Be The Successor For Silicon

Solar cells have greatly improved over the years. Back in the 1950s, solar cells converted only 6% of sunlight into electricity. Today, solar cells can now convert up to 22% of sunlight into electricity. Unfortunately, t...

People Are Buying Pianos For The Pandemic Winter

<p>It doesn’t seem that the pandemic will disappear soon. Some people are buying a lot of items and appliances to decorate or add more life to their homes for the winter holidays spent at home. During...

Did You Know That Fragrant Products Can Hurt Us?

<p>There may be danger in the chemicals mixed with the commercial cleaners and disinfectants we find handy during the pandemic. While these products can help us sanitize areas in our home (or other places)...

Striking Photos Of The Tourism Industry During The Pandemic

<p>There’s a charm to the emptied-out malls, beaches, museums, and other tourist spots where a lot of people would be if it weren’t for the pandemic. These once busy venues are now shadows of th...

Here’s The Birth Of A Star

<p>This image taken by NASA’s Hubble Telescope shows the birth of a new star in the Cassiopeia constellation. Isn’t it amazing that we can get a glimpse of how the universe works outside the Ear...

This 13-Year-Old Gets A Home For Her Birthday

<p>Avee Shabazz of Birmingham, Alabama, wanted to help his daughter achieve her own financial freedom, so he bought her a three-bedroom, two-bathroom home for her thirteenth birthday. I only got a birthday...

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