Archive for October 19th, 2020

Large Crab Goes Inside House

<p>Police in southern Germany responded to a call from a woman who got an uninvited guest inside her home — a 25-centimeter (10-inch) Chinese mitten crab, which went from the terrace to the open door...

It’s Difficult To Be A Monster

It’s not just humans who have it difficult in life. Monsters, too, find living in this world difficult. One finds it hard to accept modern architecture, while another finds it hard to spell its own name.Check out t...

The Shortest Time Unit, Measured

<p>The shortest unit of time is the time it takes a light particle to cross a hydrogen molecule. The record time for that event is <a href="

There’s A Big Chance That We’re Living In A Simulation

<p>Are our lives something straight out of a Matrix film? Are machines sucking up our life force and turning them into batteries as they make us live in a simulation? Before laughing at the ridiculousness o...

The Disastrous 1904 Olympic Marathon

<p>We’re familiar with the grandeur and widely-celebrated olympic games every 2-4 years. But the beginnings of the Olympic games aren’t as widely-accepted, or well-organized. Watch as Puppet His...

Zipline Straight To Godzilla’s Mouth!

<p>Good thing that it’s not the real one. I’m pretty sure no one would agree to be instant food for the sake of thrill. Nijigen no Mori, a new theme park close to Kobe, Japan, is opening a Godzi...

Chinchillas And A Gold Mine

<p>Endangered short-tailed chinchillas are one of the main obstacles to a gold mine project. The South American rodent was hunted almost to extinction for its expensive fur. It seems that the animals are in...

Finally, NASA Built A Space Toilet For Women

<p>The Universal Waste Management System is probably the <a href="" target="_blank" style="colo...

The Evolution of the Fighter Plane

<p>The first planes before and during World War I didn’t pose much danger. Back then, they were only used for reconnaissance and surveillance of enemy territory. Information back then was as valuable...

Relocating The Chinchillas For The Gold

A small colony of short-tailed chinchillas live quietly in the mountains of northern Chile. During the 19th and 20th centuries, these rodents were hunted down almost to extinction because of their ultra-soft fur. These r...

What’s Different With The New iPhone?

<p>Apple often announces that their new phones have better cameras than their previous ones. The announcement of the iPhone 12 is no different. In fact, the phone has the biggest advances compared to the pr...

Can You Find The Snake?

<p>If you look at the photo real close, maybe you can find <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(17, 85, 20...

Flying Nonstop for 11 Days

<p>To be able to keep yourself awake for eleven days is nothing but amazing. To be able to keep yourself awake for eleven days while flying is even more amazing. A male bar-tailed godwit was just recorded d...

5-Year Old Boy Gets Lifetime Zoo Membership after Spotting Stolen Lemur

This is Maki, an elderly ring-tailed lemur who lives at the San Francisco Zoo. He was stolen from his enclosure last week. Fortunately, a sharp-eyed 5-year old boy named James Trinh spotted him as he left his preschool,...

This Device Can Turn Food Scraps Into Compost In 2 Days

<p>Composting is good for the environment for many reasons. Just to name one, composting enriches the soil, and this could lead to healthy plant growth.</p><p>There are two problems when making...

Can Animals Feel Grief?

<p>Back in 2018, there was a viral video of a female orca in the Pacific Northwest. The orca, named Tahlequah, had just lost her calf, but she did not abandon the corpse. Instead, she kept on pushing it aro...

When Honey Flows Faster Than Water

<p>Water usually flows faster than honey. But when liquids are put in narrow tubes coated with liquid-repelling compounds, liquids with higher viscosity, flow faster.</p><blockquote>And that&rsq...

Man Offers to Sell Discontinued Taco Bell Tacos for $200

<p>Bryant Hoban of O'Fallon, Missouri refers to his business model as "investment sandwiches." He buys fast food menu items right before they are dropped from a menu, freezes them, then sells them...

The Weird Perfume Practice In 18th Century France

<p>Today, if you smell like human excrement, people would tell you that you stink. But if you are in 18th century France, people in that era would remark that you are fashionable. The French art historian E...

Atkinson Hyperlegible

An awful lot of people are far from blind, but have trouble reading text in certain circumstances, like the ubiquitous "small print." Others have low vision, meaning they aren't totally blind, but could use some help in...

16 Real Stories That Sound Like Horror Movies

If you want to prepare yourself for Halloween with plenty of creepy stories, there's no fiction that's scarier than the news. These stories happened in different years in different places all over, but together they will...

Behind the Scenes and Sounds of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre

Tobe Hooper's 1974 slasher film The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a classic of the genre. And it's a good thing, considering what the cast and crew went through to get it filmed. Shot in the summer of 1973 in remot...

Leaf Blower-Powered Vehicle

<p>It's 2020 and we don't have flying cars. But if you have a leaf blower and a mop bucket, then you have all you need for the shimmering utopia that futurists have promised us for generations. And it's all...

Explaining the Pandemic to my Future Self

When you plan your time travel trip, make sure you've set the coordinates correctly. This video is short and to-the-point and ends the only way it could. -via Digg...

Monstrous Offspring: a Look at Mary Toft

In 1726, an illiterate working-class British woman named Mary Toft became famous overnight by giving birth to rabbits. They were dead and often dismembered rabbits, and she also produced parts of other animals. The bizar...

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