There Are At Least 11 Fish Species That Could Probably Walk On Land

That’s what scientists found out in their detailed study of the skeletons of the hillstream loach fish family in Asia. This fish family includes Cryptotora thamicola, or the cave angel fish (which is also known as the waterfall climbing cave fish). Scientists also found out that 10 other species probably have the ability to walk as well.

By identifying which species of hillstream loaches can potentially go for a wander on terra firma (ignoring the breathing difficulties for a moment), the researchers hope to learn more about how the very first land-walking vertebrates might have made their way out of the water and onto land.

What makes these fish capable of walking? Find out over at Science Alert.

(Image Credit: Chulabush Khatancharoen/ Wikimedia Commons)

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I did them all on my own, but only because I sent the link to a friend and we were seeing who could finish it first. Usually I don't have the patience for it, but when there's a chance to gloat I don't pass it up.

For 19 you have to get the block off the swing as quickly as possible. It takes two cuts, a long top left to right bottom slice, then a smaller one quick. It's a bitch to get, definitely the hardest one.
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