Archive for September 12th, 2020

Yes, Classical Music TikToks Exist...

<p>... And they’re more fun to watch than the countless dance videos and harmful pranks that you see on the app.</p><p>Classical music is very underrated today, and so it is always a welco...

How Do You Pronounce The Name of Elon Musk’s Baby?

<p>When this reporter asked Elon Musk how his son is doing, Elon was confused as to what or who the reporter was talking about.&nbsp;</p><p>“How’s X Æ A-12?” asked th...

A Japanese Pancake To Remember

<p>One of the best ways to make people remember is by giving them a picture of yourself with your name on it. That practice, however, is not much done today because everything is digital. But there still ar...

The Trailer For The Prince of Persia Remake Has Dropped, And Fans Are Disappointed

<p>Many video game companies recently have been releasing remakes of their respective games, such as Capcom with their Resident Evil 2 and 3, and Square Enix with their Final Fantasy VII Remake. Now, it see...

This Alligator Isn’t What It Seems

<p>A husband and wife were moving some boxes outside their apartment in Winter Haven, Florida. Suddenly, the husband spotted an alligator lurking inside a storage shed. Alarmed, his wife immediately called...

62-Year Old Snake Lays Eggs, Despite Not Being around Males for 20 Years

The ball python (whose identity the St. Louis Zoo is protecting), laid a clutch of eggs despite being the oldest known snake in a zoo and, even more impressively, having no males to mate with. How is this possible? Stuff...

How To Take The Best Poop, According To Science

Science Insider gives us the real poop on taking the perfect poop. Yeah, this is very explicit, but at least it's all animated. Sure, you've been pooping for many years, and you've gotten pretty good at it by now. Still,...

The Hackney Mosaic Project

The Hackney Mosaic Project has been beautifying the Hackney neighborhood of London by installing locally-produced mosaic art at Hackney Downs park and other places. Under the guidance of mosaicist Tessa Hunkin, people le...

Building a Bear-Proof Storage Locker

Mary Donahue, a college professor, champion swimmer, outdoorswoman, and, well, her list of accomplishments is very long, writes about how park rangers and staff at Yosemite National Park have attempted to make human food...

The Five Fiancées of Holy Roman Emperor Charles V

Even if you don't know the kings of history, you can recognize that the young man in the portrait is a Habsburg. Charles von Habsburg was born in 1500 as the heir to half the kingdoms of Europe, and eventually became the...

Father-Daughter Duet

Batzorig Vaanchig is a Mongolian throat singer. Here he collaborates with his daughter Marla. The song is "Xotgoidiin Unaga" (foal from Xotgoidiin), about a horse with a white blaze who always wins races. One commenter s...

Halloween May Be Cancelled Again

<p>Halloween was cancelled in 1918 because of a <a href=";utm_source=hvper...

This Man Was Accused Of Doing Satanic Rituals In His Airbnb

<p>Fredrick Joseph, a f<a href="" target="_...

Minecraft, But I'm Not Colorblind Anymore...

<p>Watching YouTuber <a href="" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(17, 85, 204);">GeorgeNotFound</a> see colo...

City Being Swept Out To The Sea

<p>Nicky Quamina Woo’s photograph of a boy playing on a retaining wall near the sea may be one of the best examples of how climate change has affected our society. In an interview with the Guardian, t...

Notre Dame Crypt Opens For The First Time After The Fire

<p>It seems that the Notre-Dame Cathedral is slowly opening up to people after the fire that devoured the cathedral’s roof. Masses of toxic lead dust from the fire were removed, ancient stones cleaned...

Make the Midwest’s Award-Winning State Fair Foods at Home

If you want a taste of foods you actually eat at annual state fairs, you can push a stick into any random food item around the house, dunk it in pancake batter, then into a pot of hot oil. This is better. Since 2009, the...

The Battle of Athens, Tennessee

Here's a tale of small town government corruption that makes Walking Tall look like a Disney movie. During the 1930s and '40s, McMinn County, Tennessee, was the personal fiefdom of Paul Cantrell, who was the cou...

World War II Veteran Will Get a Juicy Fruit-themed Casket

Suttie Economy is 94 years old and still alive, now recovering from heart problems at a veteran's clinic. He had told his longtime friend Sammy Oakey of Oakey's Funeral Service that when his time came, he wanted to be bu...

White Board Jokes

Imgur user angiexpangie found an opportunity to draw the attention of distance-learning students that aren't even her students! She explains,My boyfriend is a High School math teacher and his school started distance lear...

Winning Images From the 2020 Astronomy Photographer of Year Competition

Taking a glimpse into the vastness of the universe might make you feel small, but it will also make you feel part of something beautiful. We are thankful for the photographers who bring those distant places down to earth...

Is The Universe Just A Huge Neural Network?

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Physics professor Vitaly Vanchurin attempted to change our perspective about the reality we’re living in. In a </span><a href="https...

The Most Expensive Rehab In The World

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">This rehabilitation center in Switzerland caters to royalty, politicians, oligarchs, business tycoons, and A-list celebrities. It isn’t a surprise...

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