Archive for August 30th, 2020

Play-Doh Bus Stop Ads

<p>Two years ago, the DDB ad agency in Colombia created a series of <a href="" target="_blank"&...

She Did It!

Earlier this summer, planes spent a lot of time on the ground when everyone canceled their vacation and business trips. That led to some shenanigans among flight crews. Flight attendant Lindsey O'Brien proved that she co...

The Convenient Truth of Rotisserie Chicken

While you're grocery shopping after a long day of work, and you think about what's for dinner, suddenly the smell of rotisserie chicken hits you. That whole cooked bird is cheaper than a raw one, and will save you a lot...

Real Time Lightning Map

Want to see where lightning is striking right now? Check out the Real Time Lightning Map. Zoom in on activity or check your local area. Here's how it works: "" is a lightning detection network for loc...

20 Remakes That Are Better Than the Original Movie

Hollywood sometimes produces movie remakes because they think they can squeeze a few more dollars out of an existing property, but usually they happen because someone thinks they can do a better job the second time aroun...

YouTuber Drama, but it’s a Danganronpa Trial

<p><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">If you’re always on Twitter or Youtube, surely you’ve seen countless people talk about the different issues (or drama, really) about differe...

The Latest News On Neuralink

<p>In 2016, Elon Musk founded a company named Neuralink. This company was dedicated to developing implantable brain-machine interfaces, or BMIs.</p><p>Musk once again directs the people’s...

Remembering Hurricane Katrina

<p>Despite being only the third most powerful storm at that time, this hurricane was among the worst natural disasters in the history of the United States. This hurricane was Katrina, which made landfall ne...

This Trick Will Keep You Alert At Night

<p>Struggling to be alert as you work at night? If so, then consider drinking coffee and then taking a nap after. And yes, in that order. According to this new research from the University of South Australi...

Why Do Multiplayer Games Collapse At Launch?

<p>It’s not just the developer’s fault. In most cases, it’s not the developer’s fault at all. Take for example, what happened during the launch of Mediatonic’s <em>Fall G...

Here Are Apps That Can Help You Catch Some Zzzs!

<p>Modern times can make us feel very stressed. Along with the looming pandemic, financial and social problems that make it harder for people to relax or sleep peacefully. Trying to get a good night’s...

This Man Was Able To Create Affordable Prosthetics Because of YouTube

Easton LaChappelle has always been fascinated by robotics. As a child, he would take apart everything he could get his hands on, just to understand how things work.During his science fair days, Colorado’s Easton en...

How Cells Navigate Inside The Human Body

<p>How do cells travel inside the human body? How do they know which way to go? Scientists from the U.K sought to answer these questions by conducting this study, which was published in the journal Science....

Critics Might Hate These Films, But We Sure Don’t

<p>A lot of us turn to movie rating sites or reviews to check if the film we’re about to watch is a waste of time. Criticism is subjective, but that doesn’t stop people from taking it as advice....

The Afterlife of Pizza Huts

In the 1960s and '70s, Pizza Hut expanded across the country and the world, in their distinctive buildings each with an oddly-shaped roof and trapezoidal windows. In the 21st century, the franchise moved away from those...

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