Woman thought she picked up a stray wild dog, but was mistaken.

A woman of Omagh, Northern Ireland posted a photo of an angry dog she found eating a dead rabbit on the side of the road. What a weird thing to do. Disgusting and quite daring if you ask me. Who knows what diseases this wild dog could have had or whether it would savagely attack anyone who gets close to it? But, she decided to let her huge heart shine by letting the dog inside of her car and inside of her home. This shouldn't go well. She'd be lucky if it did.

While driving with this wild dog on her way home, she noticed how angry and 'wicked’ it acted. Ok, so she likely just thought that the dog just needed tender unconditional love from its family, and so she kept driving with this thing in her car for miles. You have to admit that this woman was quite brave to have continued to drive while this angry wild dog remained in her possession. Most of us would've pooped or at least peed our pants doing such a thing.

The dog was without a collar when she found it, she says. So she only hoped that if she wrote a post online that it would find the owner.

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