How Much is a Buttload?

Any time you hear the word "buttload" as an amount, you know it mean a lot. But it turns out that it really does mean a specific amount, and that amount is... a lot.

After immediately falling down a Google hole about it, I discovered that this is, indeed, true! A butt, also known as a pipe, is a unit of measure for English Brewery Cask Units and English Wine Cask Units. It's the second-largest barrel size, equal to half a tun, which was typically 252 Imperial Gallons (although that exact quantity has changed throughout history; current standards place an English Tun at 259 US gallons or 216 Imperial Gallons).

You have to admit that 129 gallons is a substantial amount of beer or wine. That's enough for the kind of party the police would want to speak to you about. Read more about beer and wine measurements with plenty of links to follow at Boing Boing.

(Image credit: Grolltech)

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I happened to have a conversation about this while driving with some friends. Not 2 minutes later, we were passed by someone carrying two hogsheads in the back of their pickup truck. We all screamed, "Look! A buttload!"
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I wanted Laser Tag. In fact, I think that I'd still like it. The only reason why I don't play now at one of those commercial venues is that it'd look weird at my age.
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I still have the dreamhouse. HOURS of playing happened there.

And if anyone misses the smell of the strawberry shortcake dolls, get the glad bags with febreeze added - smells exactly the same to me!
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