You can now check the progress of NASA’s new Mars Rover, Perseverance as it travels to Mars. NASA has launched a free online tool that lets anyone monitor Perseverance’s journey in real time. You can also see the nearest celestial body to the spacecraft at any given moment! The Mars 2020 rover will arrive in February 2021, so people can monitor its journey for a few more months, as Slash Gear details:
Using this new NASA tool, anyone can see the rover on its journey, nearby objects like the 81p Wild 2 comet, and the paths these various space bodies are taking. Clicking through an object will enable viewers to get additional information on each satellite, comet, planet, and moon.
In addition to the direct view of the rover, users can also zoom out to view the wider region around the rover, including the orbit of each nearby planet and comet. Of course, this is all a visualization — you can’t actually see the rover itself in real-time, only its journey and its digital representation from NASA’s team.
Image via Slash Gear