You might laugh, then feel bad about laughing, then you should know that this picture was staged by the folks at Bitterroot Bison Company in Missoula, Montana. The image has spawned some memes. However, it was based on a...
Whenever you feel the need for a safety sign that is ANSI Z535-compliant, just use the Safety Sign Generator. Pick a level of warning with a signal word, select a pictogram or two, and write out any kind of notice you wi...
Kakao-Regen im Oltner Industriequartier: Lüftungsanlage ist schuld daran— Olten (@olten) August 15, 2020
A defect in the ventilation system at the Lindt &a...
Living in a lamp is so old school. Modern day genies live in their Uber cars! He can make your wishes come true, except in matters of love- that's not allowed, because it involves more than one person. But where there's...