Police stationed at Plymouth, UK, were shocked when they saw a man sinking his teeth into a seagull before throwing the bird on the floor. According to the man, the seagull attacked him because it took a taste of his McDonald’s meal, and so he grabbed and bit it . The police immediately rushed into the scene and detained the man.
Around this time, the man volunteered the information that he was under the influence of drugs and it was decided that he should be taken to Derriford Hospital for treatment.
The seagull was clearly injured by the incident but flew off before we were able to check on its welfare. We don't know what happened to it afterwards.
Because seagulls are protected by UK laws, the man, if found guilty, could face six months in jail or a fine of £5000 (around $6300).
Via 9GAG
(Image Credit: JJ Harrison/ Wikimedia Commons)